Bangladesh is such a country where people enjoy politics and always want to be a part of every political solution. In everywhere there are debates on certain national issues and everybody tries to give their opinion and voice on the raised topic. This has brought a very interesting change in setting programs for the televisions. All the televisions are having two or more talk shows a day on day to day issues.
There are around 35 TV channels that are having around 70 talk shows a day and there are around 500 talkers who are attending in different television talk shows on daily basis.
In reality not much of televisions are able to organize the shows in a professional manner with research and specialized talkers and anchor support. Most of the televisions are failing to bring speakers of relevant subject and not doing their home work to enrich the shows with a lot of information, facts and solutions. Most of the televisions are also running the shows with very poor anchors who are not having any depth of knowledge on topics and also do not have any orientation to run such shows, because of which these shows are becoming failure and boring day by day.
Banglasatcom is countries only organization having a total database of the specialist talkers. It has its expert professionals to make research based programs and also having professional trainers to groom the talkers to make them healthy in presenting their opinions in a showmanship way. Besides Banglasatcom is also having their trainer for the anchors to make such program very catchy.
To make a very popular talk show Banglasatcom can offer to outsource it from its in house creation which will give a very well groomed performance oriented show, based on real expert opinion along with the solutions of the problems.
Bangsatcom is having its ability to create wonderful programs by making unique stage and audience setup. It is also having its database of the talkers from which the best known persons can be selected for expressing opinion to make a rich talk show.
Banglasatcom is also having an excellent design of audience show which will attract more viewers by its unique people’s participatory program base. It will be able to organize the whole show as tailored program for the interested television.